Recognition Day 2021 Day 1

Date: 08/12/2021 12:00 PM


Recorded live from Leichhardt Public School
on Wed, 08 Dec 2021

Marion St,Leichhardt

Our school places a strong emphasis on developing the whole student in academic as well as social, sporting and cultural pursuits. Our school values and nurtures the unique qualities and academic talents of each student. We have high expectations for all students and a commitment to engendering a genuine love of learning.

At Leichhardt Public School academic rigour is valued at all stages of learning and the classroom focus is on challenge, engagement and achievement. Our students are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for their own learning and to expect learning experiences to be meaningful and challenging. They are measured risk takers who understand that successful learners extend themselves with new challenges and develop thinking skills that can be applied confidently in both academic work and in everyday life. Individual differences are not only recognised but celebrated and students are encouraged to pursue interests and explore different ways of learning with the emphasis always on quality. The learning needs of all students are catered for in a supportive environment where students are given opportunities to use technology to individualise and tailor learning. A range of extension activities that include our art, band, string, public speaking and debating and choir programs enhances the formal curriculum.

The school leadership team develops school targets and goals, in consultation with staff, the community and students. Leaders are responsible for empowering and supporting all members of the school community to achieve goals and targets and to fulfil the school's vision. The school leaders ensure the school community's values and aspirations are reflected in all the school's policies and programs.
A strong leadership team coordinates clearly defined and well documented systems and structures which facilitate a shared understanding of policies, procedures and routines for all staff, students and parents.
Our Student Representative Council provides meaningful leadership opportunities for students and a voice for students in school decision making.

Staff and students work in an environment that is welcoming, friendly and supportive. Our school promotes values such as tolerance, self-respect, citizenship, pride, endeavour, courtesy, social justice and responsibility. Our policies and programs foster a school environment that is safe, secure and inclusive, values diversity and respects individual differences. Through the school's strong home and school partnerships students are encouraged to respect and care for the environment and live a healthy and well balanced lifestyle.

School resources and structures ensure optimum access to computer and information technology at all times. Our school's information technology program provides enormous opportunities for students and teachers to access, manipulate and present information through the use of our iPad program, our well-established computer laboratories, interactive whiteboards in all classrooms and a wireless network. Computer specialists extend staff and student expertise in iPad and computer technology. Our school web site is an evolving link between the school and the greater community and serves to promote the school, celebrate our achievements and share our school's vision.

Our school is well resourced and has a ongoing commitment to developing and improving its physical resources to maintain a clean, comfortable and safe working environment. Teaching resources are the most current and are regularly updated to meet the demands of changes and improvements to curriculum and classroom pedagogy.

We hope that all students will look back with pride on their school days at Leichhardt Public School, in the knowledge that these days were among their happiest and most fulfilling.

Recognition Day 2021 Day 1

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