Pete McMahon - Heartdust

Price: $ AUD
This streaming album is also available when you purchase Heartdust on CD
Minstrel, poet, troubadour, bard, Pete McMahon is a modern musical chameleon.
Audiences everywhere warm to his versatility and humour.
Audiences everywhere warm to his versatility and humour.
During an interlude living in the Australian bush, he began writing what was to become a powerful collection of songs.
Now, after a long career as a consummate entertainer, Pete has released this timeless selection.
These tracks, written over two decades ago resonate deeply; involving a person, a place and a kaleidoscope of feelings.
Hence the title – Heartdust.
Jill Hayes 2003
Now, after a long career as a consummate entertainer, Pete has released this timeless selection.
These tracks, written over two decades ago resonate deeply; involving a person, a place and a kaleidoscope of feelings.
Hence the title – Heartdust.
Jill Hayes 2003